Empowerment, Not Entitlement!

We Need Empowerment, Not Entitlement

It Really Isn't All About "Me"!

Thursday, December 20, 2012

House Republicans Cancel Plan B Vote

 Via Market Watch:
WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) -- House Republican leaders canceled a vote on a tax-cut plan linked to fiscal-cliff talks on Thursday night, saying it didn't have the votes to pass. The Republicans' "Plan B" would have extended tax cuts on incomes below $1 million. President Obama had said he would veto the bill, and House Speaker John Boehner said in a statement that it's up to Obama and Senate Democrats to avert the fiscal cliff.
Someone must be paying attention! Encouraging, but this is no time for complacency.  We can, and are making a difference.

Here is a phone directory for The House of Representatives. Give your representatives a call, urge them to remain strong . . . and while you have them on the phone, ask them to help secure the release of Marine Corporal John Hammar who is being unjustly held in a Mexican prison.

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